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Top Arts & Literature > Chats and Forums
1. DisplayGround
Community for individuals with one or more creative interests. |
http://displayground.com/ |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [1130] | May 4, 2010 |
2. Dtek Industries
Artists, musicians, thinkers and citizens who want to craft their own niche on the Internet: establishing an online identity while being part of a creative and supportive community. |
http://dtek.tv |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [1140] | May 4, 2010 |
3. ICQ Art Chat
Find an ICQ user also interested in art. |
http://net-chat.net/ |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [1131] | May 4, 2010 |
4. Impiffishint Artist Forums
Photography, film, graphic design and music discussions for artists. |
http://forums.23degrees.net |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [1132] | May 4, 2010 |
5. The Art of Portitude
Forum about the arts and technology. The site also showcases classic literature and paintings. |
http://www.portitude.com/ |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [1134] | May 4, 2010 |
6. The Orrery of Art
Members share artwork, including images, writing, concepts, and ideas. Accepts both original and fanart. |
http://www.freewebs.com/theorrery/index.htm |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [1130] | May 4, 2010 |